Thursday, June 3, 2010

How can a traffic ticket harm you?

A moving violation is any mistake committed by the driver of a vehicle when in motion. For this the driver can be awarded a traffic ticket. A traffic ticket is like the tip of an iceberg. Along with the obvious fine, it brings a lot of problems into the life of the driver.

Common man is unaware of the fact that once you pay a traffic ticket it leads to points being added to your driver license. More the number of points added worse the driving. Once a certain limit is crossed, it can lead to the suspension or termination of your license. By suspension it means the driver is not supposed to drive for a specified time. In case a person drives a vehicle with a suspended license he can be jailed and fined. Some times a license can also be revoked. In this case the driver license is terminated and the driver is considered ineligible to drive in future.
Another result of a traffic ticket is increase in insurance rates. Most insurance companies carry out annual checking of driver licenses. In case points are added the driver is considered a high risk investment and insurance rates are increased.

Hence it is always good to avoid a traffic ticket and in case one is booked it is always good to contact an Orlando traffic attorney.

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